In September 2020 a group of FOBHM volunteers began the process of clearing invasive weeds from the base of third falls in Morialta Conservation park. In Autumn 2021, 30 native seedlings were planted along the blackberry front, above the watermark, and in April 2023 10 Acacia and 10 Goodenia were planted.
The small Blue gum seedling that was recovered from under the blackberry in 2020 and named ‘Fred-Frank’ is now over 3m tall and stands proudly between the Blackberry “hedge” and pond.
We had a flood in July 2023 and lost a few of our seedlings but all remaining plants are flourishing. The flood unfortunately washed the rare native ‘Purple Loosestrife’ away, but with two plants thriving above the falls we are hopeful it will return.
The site had a chance to recover during a short period with no public access in 2023 and the presence of tree guards has helped us protect the natives while the public move through the site once again.
Animals frequently seen/heard include the Pied Cormorant, Heron, Finches, Mistletoe birds, Crescent Honeyeater, New Holland Honeyeater, White-Throated Tree Creeper, Red Belly Black snakes, Brown snakes, frogs, yabbies, crickets, katydids, butterflies, and koalas.
The clearance of weeds further downstream from the base of the falls has progressed nicely over the last two years. Contractors have done some valuable work in the site targeting weedy trees like Olives, Willow, Privet, and Hawthorn.
Significant work is needed on the very steep Western slope to join this project site to the Crag care site.
The water quality and vegetation has significantly improved since the work began in 2020 and should continue to improve as the banks of the creek stabilise with more native reeds and sedges. A testament to the improvement in the creek is the increase in the sheer number and variety of fauna seen and heard at the site since 2020.
Weeds still being tackled at the site include Blackberry, Watsonia, Broom, Boneseed, Privet, African daisy, Dog Rose, and several species of grass.