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HomeHorsnell Gully project

Horsnell Gully


Hornsell Gully Conservation Park


1.8 Ha


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Site Description

The Main Valley project is a riparian zone of a tributary to third creek in the Torrens catchment. Although degraded in areas, native species of dusty miller, swamp wattle and myrtle wattle are seen regenerating in cleared areas.

The Rockdale Hill project is a blue gum grassy woodland. It contains an under storey of kangaroo grass, native cranberry, guinea flower and sun orchids. 

What this project protects

Horsnell Gully protects many hectares of high quality native vegetation. It contains areas of blue gum grassy woodland, stringybark heathland and riparian areas. This supports habitat for the endangered Chestnut-rumped heathwren, state vulnerable Yellow-footed antechinus and Yellow-tailed black cockatoo. These species require tree hollows, high quality understorey and groundcover for their habitat.

A number of vulnerable plant species are found in the park, including native raspberry, orange bell creeper, Mount Lofty (or Hillebrand's) Phebalium and dusty miller.

Greg DawsonChestnut-rumped Heathwren

Our Focus

In Horsnell Gully, our project sites have a particular focus of controlling a number of high priority weeds. Chincherinchee (Ornithogalum thyrsoides) is an introduced bulb weed found throughout the park. It forms dense infestations outcompeting native vegetation and can be found infesting high quality native vegetation areas. Due to it's toxic nature it threatens endangered species and their habitats. 

Other weeds targeted in the project sites include boneseed, blackberry, watsonia, English broom and Montpellier broom. These weeds outcompete and smother native vegetation, their removal has aided in native species regenerating in cleared areas. Our work aims to contain and reduce the threats these weeds pose to the biodiversity of the park.
 Ornithogalum Thyrsodies

Donations to Horsnell Gully Conservation Park's Mount Lofty Ranges Chestnut-Rumped Heathwren habitat restoration fund will help protect this project.

How to get involved

Come out and join us for a habitat restoration event the 3rd Saturday of every month. You can find the dates and times of upcoming events on our calendar. 

Volunteer Stories

My name is Grace and I have been volunteering with the group since 2017. I enjoy being outdoors and have an interest in the natural environment. I like volunteering in Horsnell Gully to protect its unique high quality vegetation. I feel most rewarded from volunteering when we clear an area of weeds and see the return of native species growing back and re-establishing.

Hi, I’m Yassmin. I volunteer as I want to help protect our environment and I’m passionate about conserving our Native species, both flora and fauna.
I grew up in rural Australia, the outback was at my doorstep, at such a young age I was already in love with the environment and knew it was where I felt the happiest. Volunteering with FOBHM gives me the opportunity to work outside amongst nature and it’s wonderful to be surrounded by like minded people.